The Impact of Al-Manār School on the Exegeses of Al-Marāghī and Ibn ‘Āshūr in Addressing the Thematic Unity of the Holy Qur’an: An Analytical Comparative Study

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Waddah Alkhattb
Ali Ali Gobaili Saged
M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff


Many researchers regard the exegeses of Al-Marāghī and Ibn ‘Āshūr as two of the most important exegeses of our time. However, there are others who call for a closer study for the issues they address about the rationalist school of Sheikh Muḥammad ‘Abduh, known as the Al-Manār School, because it may confuse the reader regarding the extent of this school’s agreement with the majority of scholars. In this article, the researcher is confined to the thematic unity of the Holy Qur’an, as it is one of the traits of the aforementioned school, and the definition of the thematic unity, then presents the school’s view of this concept with its positives and negatives, and after that compares between Al-Marāghī and Ibn ‘Āshūr in terms of following this school on both positive and negative aspects of this issue.


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