A Quranic Method on Da’wah to the Adolescents: A Bibliometric Study

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Basirah Abu Bakar
Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff
Muhamad Alihanafiah Norasid


Most recent criminal cases have seen youth engagements such as murdering, raping, prostitution, and others. The juvenile cases were due to the decline of religious appreciation in their souls and their distance from the Quranic guidelines. Statistics show that the majority of residents in the Pusat Perlindungan Akhlak are Malay Muslim. In fact, 90% of them are teenagers who repeat the same mistakes. The findings show that 68% of residents in the Pusat Perlindungan Akhlak uncapable to recite Quran and 15% are not taught about the prayers and practical values ​​of Islam are less concerned. Therefore, the teenager are comfortable and do the mistakes repeatly. It also bring the negative impact on yourself, your family, your community, and your country. This paper focuses on bibliometrics studies on dakwah to the adolescents. This is to identify the study spaces that need to be explored, so this study seeks to provide a holistic approach to the adolescent to be dealt with by the Quranic reference. The methodology used in the study was historical, comparative methods, and observation methods. Preliminary results have found that the study of the Quranic verses on dakwah through adolescents has not been thoroughly elaborated by any researcher.


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Research Article (Malay)