A Brief Discussion on the Literature Circulation and Version of “Shuyi Ji” Zhang Li
《述异记》作者归属不一,约以宋为界,以隋唐《志》书为记载的《述异记》,将作者归为祖冲之。宋时,祖冲之、任昉两种作者情况并称,但任昉之名已渐趋盛。宋庆历4 年临安太庙经籍铺尹家刊行本促成了任本的进一步流通。宋本本身情况不一,有全本与脱本之别,明程荣《汉魏丛书》本、明商濬《稗海》本、明胡文焕《格致丛书》本、晚清徐乃昌《随庵徐氏丛书》本等以不同的底本为基础,形成了2 卷本系统中的四个系统,这些书籍的刊刻,又造成了后世流行版本中存在的大量差异。其中商濬《稗海》本因底本选择精良,又参校了邢参抄本,版式雅致、校勘精审的风貌,而被内府所藏,从而进入《四库全书》的系统中去。
There are different opinions on the authorship of Shuyi Ji (Records of Strange Things). It was mentioned in the Books of Sui and Tang, attributed to Zu Chongzhi. In the Song Dynasty, Zu Chongzhi and Ren Fang were both mentioned, but Ren Fang's role gradually became more popular. The edition published by Yinjia, the scripture shop of Taimiao in Lin'an in the year 1044 promoted the further circulation of Ren's edition. The Song editions themselves are different, with complete editions and incomplete editions. The editions in the Han and Wei Collection by ChengRong of the Ming Dynasty, Baihai by Shang Jun of the Ming Dynasty, Gezhi Collection by Hu Wenhuan of the Ming Dynasty, and Sui'an Xushi Collection by Xu Naichang of the late Qing Dynasty are based on different sources, forming four systems in the two-volume system. The publication of these books has caused a large number of differences in the popular versions in later generations. Among them, Shang Jun's Baihai was collected by the imperial palace because of its excellent selection of the original text and its collation with Xing Can's copy, and its elegant layout and meticulous proofreading, thus becomes one of the collections of the Siku Quanshu (The Complete Books of the Four Repositories).