
Zhao Yi on "Wei Zheng was not the only Direct Remonstrator during the Zhenguan Period"


  • 黄紫晴,余曆雄 Zi Qing OOI, Lee Siong ER


Zhao Yi, Wei Zheng, Emperor Taizong, remonstrators,


Zhao Yi, in the 19th and 20th volumes of "Records of the Twenty-two Historiographies" evaluates the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty, applying the idea that "Wei Zheng was not the only remonstrator during the Zhenguan Period" as the centrepiece. By discussing the relationship between remonstrators and Emperor Taizong during the Zhenguan period, we can observe the open political atmosphere of that time, where dissenting opinions were welcomed. "Zhenguan" was the second reign title of the Tang Dynasty, lasting for a total of twenty-three years. However, through the analysis in this article, it is evident that Zhao Yi's term "Zhenguan Zhong" does not encompass the entire Zhenguan period; rather, it tends to refer to the early to mid-Zhenguan era. Zhao Yi provides examples of fifteen individuals to illustrate that during the Zhenguan period, there were more than just Wei Zheng as remonstrators. Among them were Xue Shou, Sun Fujia, Ma Zhou, and others. Some of them were generously rewarded, some partially rewarded, and some received no rewards at all. Additionally, there were instances where Emperor Taizong heeded their advice despite being angry. Although this passage discusses Wei Zheng and fifteen other remonstrators, Zhao Yi's primary praise is directed towards Emperor Taizong's ability to accept counsel.


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