清代吕祖宝忏与扶乩道坛: 广东西樵云泉仙馆《吕祖无极宝忏》的编撰及与其他清代吕祖忏本的比较 Lüzu Baochan and Spiritual Writing in the Qing Dynasty: The Compilation of Lüzu Wuji Baochan in Yunquan Xianguan, Xiqiao, Guangdong, and Comparison with other Lüzu Repentance Texts in the Qing Dynasty


  • Chi Tim Lai


Most of the Hong Kong Taoist temples are dedicated to Lü Chunyang. Therefore, Lüzu Wuji Baochan is the most commonly used Taoist scripture, and it is also the earliest chanting scripture used by Hong Kong Taoist temples since the 1940s. Nowadays, the common version of the Lüzu Wuji Baochan in Hong Kong is the 1961 version. It was reprinted by the Hong Kong Yunquan Xianguan based on the original version of the Guangdong Xiqiao Yunquan Xianguan in the 19th year
of Guangxu (1893). The purpose of this thesis is to explore the source of the book Lüzu Wuji Baochan compiled and published by Xiqiao Yunquan Xianguan in the 19th year of Guangxu and its relationship with other books dedicated to Taoist temples in the Qing Dynasty. It is further verified that the editors of the Xiqiao Yunquan Xianguan compiled the text according to which original source that later became widely distributed in the Guangdong region. In addition to the Xiqiao Yunquan Xianguan version, before the 19th year of Guangxu, there were at least two other versions of Lüzu Wuji Baochan. The first one was named Yuqing Chunyang Cihang Wuji Baochan, which is included in the sixty-four volumes of Lü Zu Quanshu added by Shao Zhilin (1748-1810) in the 40th year of Qianlong (1775). The second one is entitled Yu Du Shi Xiang Lü Sheng Zhen Jun Wuji Duren Baochan, which originated from an altar in Beijing city “Jingyuan Tan” during the 5th year of Jiaqing (1800). We believe that the editors of the Xiqiao Yunquan Xianguan had made new arrangements on these two books to compile the Lüzu Wuji Baochan. Furthermore, the conclusion of this thesis is that Xiqiao’s Lüzu Wuji Baochan is a combination of Yuqing Chunyang Cihang Wuji Baochan and Yu Du Shi Xiang Lü Sheng Zhen Jun Wuji Duren Baochan.

Keywords: Lüzu, Xiqiao Yunquan Xianguan, Lüzu Wuji Baochan, Cihang Wuji Baochan, Wuji Duren Baochan, Jingming cultivation method


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