宋代题画诗中“咏菊”的文学寓意与抒情传统变革 The Literature Implication and Revolution of Lyrical Tradition of “Yongju” in Painting Poem of Dynasty Song


  • Shiau Chen PUA


“Chrysanthemum†is known as one of the four gentlemen in classical Chinese poetry and painting. “Gentleman†in this sense represents “morality†in terms of cultural connotation. “Yongju†in painting poem of Dynasty Song carries literature implication, as the literary metaphor gradually integrates into the tradition of painting. There were two kinds of poet who produced painting poem during the Song Dynasty. One of them only involved in writing poetry. Another was involving in poetry and painting poet. The aesthetic idea of the integartion of poetry and painting became clear because poets integrated chrysanthemum of literature implication into painting such as the chrysanthemum in painting had lofty character of forms of beauty. This was the revolution of lyrical tradition of painting poem. The lofty character, otherworldly, noble and independent, hermitage cultural connotation of “chrysanthemum†had reflected in painting poem. Meanwhile, the “Yongju†painting poem of Song Dynasty appeared in new cultural connotation such as patriotic emotions. This was difference from the lyrical tradition. 


Keywords: Painting Poem, Yongju, Literature Implication, Lyrical Tradition, Revolution


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