The Picture of Da’wah Islamiyyah in the Poem of Abdullah Ibn Rawwahah Poem of Abdullah Ibn Rawwahah

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Siti Hazwani Abd Rahman
Nur Farhana Mohamad Zainol


Abdullah Ibn Rawahah is considered one of the poets of the Prophet, peace, and blessings of God, who uses his poetry to defend Islam and the Messenger as well as Muslims in general especially after he embraced Islam. He did not only strive with the sword, but he also uses his words and poetry as a platform to spread the Islamic Da’wah. His talent and spontaneity in writing poems had influence Muslims especially in terms of preparing them for the war and encouraging them not to surrender in spreading Da’wah. However, there is not so much studies that focus on the creativity of Abdullah Ibn Rawwahah, especially those studies that analyze the content of his poems, even though he influenced this literary arena extensively. Hence based on this basis this study aimed to analyze some of the poem of Abdullah Ibn Rawwahah which to highlight his creativity in spreading the Islamic Da’wah through his influential words. This research used descriptive and analytical method, by which it analyzes the characteristic of Islamic Da’wah in some of his beautiful chosen poems. The study found that the studied poems exactly contain the messages of the Islamic Da’wah, and behind his aesthetic poems, there are the four main purposes of spreading the Islamic Da’wah which are; firstly, describing specific events and mentioning the polytheists, secondly, mentioning the Messenger and massages of Islam, thirdly is remembering death and fourthly is encouraging Muslims to strive in wars


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Abd Rahman, S. H. ., & Mohamad Zainol, N. F. . (2021). The Picture of Da’wah Islamiyyah in the Poem of Abdullah Ibn Rawwahah: Poem of Abdullah Ibn Rawwahah. Al-Ḍād Journal, 5(1), 53–65. Retrieved from