Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies <p>The Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies (RIS) is a<strong> blind, peer-reviewed, and entirely open-access online journal published two times a year (June and December) beginning in 2022</strong> by the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. Previously, the publication frequency was three times per year. RIS welcomes manuscript submissions that cover multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies associated with Islamic studies, including but not limited to scientific research, technological advancements, historical analysis, geographical studies, philosophical inquiries, legal perspectives, literary analysis and interpretation psychology investigations into language acquisition and usage educational practices in Islamic societies environmental concerns impacting Muslim communities sociological studies on religious practices ethical considerations associated with Islam and comparative analyses between different cultures or religions. RIS encourages the submission of articles in various languages, including English, Malay, and Arabic.</p> Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia en-US Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 3083-9270 <p><strong>Copyright Notice</strong></p> <p>By submitting manuscripts to the <em>Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies</em> (RIS), authors agree to transfer copyright to the journal. However, authors may republish their work or grant others permission to republish it; in which case it should be accompanied by a proper acknowledgment that the work was originally published in the <em>Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies</em> (RIS). The journal adopt <a href="">CC-BY-NC</a> licence which authors may also share and distribute their article anywhere of <em>non-commercial</em> website, social media and repositories immediately on publication. </p> <p>Authors may also reuse the Abstract and Citation information (e.g. Title, Author name, Publication dates) of their article anywhere at any time including social media such as Facebook, blogs and Twitter, providing that where possible a link is included back to the article on the journal site.</p> Maqasid Al-Shariah in the Age of AI: A Critical Examination of ChatGPT Usage Among International Islamic University Malaysia Students <p>This study investigates the permissibility and ethical implications of ChatGPT usage within Islamic contexts, focusing on Muslim students at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Employing a mixed-method approach, the research combines quantitative surveys (n=83) with qualitative interviews of Islamic scholars and Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts to examine the intersection of artificial intelligence and Islamic jurisprudence, particularly in relation to Maqasid al-Shariah. The study addresses the critical gap in understanding ChatGPT's ethical use from an Islamic perspective, which poses potential risks to academic integrity and spiritual development. Key findings reveal a discrepancy between students' perceptions of ChatGPT's permissibility (93.8% considering it permissible) and the lack of clear ethical guidelines. The research identifies multifaceted factors influencing ChatGPT reliance, including familial, peer, and social media influences. Islamic scholars emphasize the necessity of critical thinking, recognition of AI limitations, and prioritization of human wisdom in ChatGPT usage. The study concludes that ChatGPT's permissibility in Islam is context-dependent, requiring careful evaluation of its purposes and impacts considering Maqasid al-Shariah, particularly Hifz al-Din and Hifz al-Nafs. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on technology integration within Islamic frameworks, offering a nuanced analysis of ChatGPT's implications for Muslim users and providing ethical guidelines aligned with Islamic principles of moderation, truthfulness, and social responsibility. </p> Muhammad Kamal Ihkam Mukmin Hakim Mustafa Mat Jubri Shamsuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 01 18 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.1 Muslim Women in the Face of Feminism: Bint Ash-Shati’s Concept of Equality and Emancipation to the Rescue <p>In recent times, Feminism is said to be the movement to end women's oppression. Muslim feminism emerged as a challenge to patriarchy in Muslim societies in support of Western feminism. The discourse on Islamic feminism has generated an ideology that many young Muslim women have misconstrued because Islam is seen as the main factor in the subjugation of women in the world. Thus, this paper examined the complex relationship between Islam and Western feminism theories and their implications on contemporary Muslim women. The methodologies adopted are analytical; which aided in analyzing misconceptions of Islam and feminism and the view of Bint Al-Shāṭi on feminist interpretations, historical which was used in accounting for the biography of Bint Al-Shāṭi and the phenomenological method which was used to relate the discussion to contemporary society. The findings of the research revealed that there is a primary difference between a secular Muslim feminist and an Islamic feminist. It also revealed that Muslim women have been lost in the hands of erroneous interpretations by Muslim feminists while seeking to westernize gender equality, freedom, and liberation using a feminist perspective in re-reading the Qur’ān. The paper concluded that gender equity, women's emancipation and freedom have been an integral part of Islamic history. It therefore recommended that Muslim women should rediscover the true meaning of Islamic teachings on gender equity, gender justice, gender sexuality, women's dress, and patriarchy, among others that have been lost at the hands of erroneous interpretation. It also recommended that Muslim women should do away with the spirit of the inferiority complex that has been proposed by the Western feminism theory.</p> Saheed Badmus SURAJU Haleemah Olajumoke OMOTOSHO Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 19 38 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.2 Maqashid al-Sharia Approach of Sa’id Ramadan al-Buti in Contemporary Fatwas <p>This article examines the Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah (objectives of Islamic law) approach employed by Saʿīd Ramaḍān al-Būṭī in formulating contemporary fatwas. Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah is central to understanding the purposes of Islamic rulings and ensuring that the law serves the welfare of humanity. Al-Būṭī's method involves a nuanced understanding of maṣlaḥah within the framework of the Quran, Sunnah, Ijma’ (consensus), and Qiyas (analogical reasoning). Through this lens, al-Būṭī addresses complex modern issues, such as cosmetic surgery, organ donation, political revolution, and the implementation of Hudud punishments. The article delves into al-Būṭī’s principles, illustrating how his approach aligns with classical jurisprudence while adapting to contemporary challenges. The findings highlight the balance al-Būṭī strikes between adherence to traditional sources and the consideration of the current context, making his fatwas relevant and influential. The methodology of this study is based on a qualitative approach, combining text analysis and literature review. Primary sources, including al-Būṭī’s own works and relevant fatwas, are analyzed to understand his application of Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah. The study also employs contextual analysis to explore how al-Būṭī adapts classical principles to contemporary issues. Comparative analysis is used to assess his approach against other classical and modern juristic perspectives, emphasizing the relevance of his fatwas in today’s world. This methodological framework allows for a comprehensive examination of al-Būṭī’s contribution to contemporary Islamic jurisprudence.</p> Muhammad Aiman Nasir Muhammad Safwan Harun Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 39 56 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.3 The Core Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence within Legal Theory: A Comprehensive Analysis <p>This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the core principles of Islamic jurisprudence within the framework of Islamic legal theory (<em>Usūl al-Fiqh</em>). It delves into the foundational sources of Islamic law—Qur’ān, <em>Sunnah</em>, <em>Ijmā’</em>, and <em>Qiyās</em>—examining their roles and interrelationships in shaping legal thought and practice. The study explores the evolution of these principles through historical contexts and the development of major schools of thought, including Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali, highlighting their unique contributions to Islamic jurisprudence. Furthermore, the article discusses methodologies such as <em>Ijtihād</em> (independent reasoning) and <em>Taqlid</em> (imitation), assessing their significance in both historical and contemporary settings. A comparative analysis with Western legal theories underscores the distinct yet occasionally intersecting paths of Islamic and Western legal traditions. The relevance of Islamic jurisprudence in modern legal systems, particularly in Muslim-majority countries, is critically examined, considering challenges and opportunities in integrating traditional principles with contemporary legal frameworks. Through case studies and practical applications, the article demonstrates the enduring impact and adaptability of Islamic legal principles. It addresses internal debates and external criticisms, providing a balanced perspective on the strengths and limitations of Islamic jurisprudence. Ultimately, this study underscores the importance of understanding Islamic legal theory's foundational principles to appreciate its role and potential in the global legal landscape. </p> Hafiz Falak Shair Faizi Dr. Hafiz Sfarish Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 57 72 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.4 دراسة منهجية لمقررات العقيدة الأشعرية: أم البراهين نموذجًا <p>This study aims to define and adjust some of the terms related to Islamic creed topics and to explain the ideological circumstances that influenced the construction and formulation of definitions, as well as to clarify the methodology upon which the most important text of Ash'ari creed is based, namely Umm al-Barahin by Imam al-Sanusiy through elucidating the general frameworks and paths that al-Sanusiy formulated to establish this unique Sunni creed. The researcher has resorted to an inductive approach to achieve these objectives, tracing the Ash'ari school back to the era in which Umm al-Barahin was composed and to the analytical approach where he interprets and deduces the text's vocabulary back to its origins in the Quran and the Sunnah, in accordance with the decisive minds. Among the conclusions drawn, it appears that the term "creed" is a comprehensive and definitive concept that prevents differences of opinion, and that the Ash'ari school is a comprehensive structure and extension of what the predecessors of this Muslim nation adhered to. The foundations of this Sunni approach are manifested in the text of Umm al-Barahin through the combination of certainty from revelation and reason, the encouragement of contemplation, the exaltation of the truth above resemblance to creation, avoidance of excommunication, reliance on interpretation where needed, and submission where language and reason fall short. The scientific value of the research lies in clarifying the reality of Ash'ari creed and explaining the cognitive foundations upon which it is based through their established texts. </p> <p> </p> Ali Ali Gobaili Saged Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman Ben Kherif Alaa Eddine Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 73 94 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.5 Produk Berstruktur Islam sebagai Instrumen Pelaburan Kompetitif dalam Pasaran Modal Islam di Malaysia <p>Islamic structured products represent an innovative, competitive, and dynamic investment avenue within Malaysia's Islamic capital market. These products benefit investors by not only offering returns but also protecting their investment capital. This study aims to compare the derivative instruments used and the different investment periods between the Product Highlights Sheet Islamic Dual Currency (PHS IDCI) structured by Maybank Islamic Berhad and the Product Disclosure Sheet Islamic Structured Forward (PDS Islamic Range Forward) by RHB Islamic Bank Berhad. A content analysis method was applied to the documents of both products. The findings indicate that IDCI tends to have a shorter investment period, ranging from one week to two months, whereas the Islamic Range Forward is more flexible, spanning several months to several years. In terms of investment risks, IDCI faces currency risk, option risk, liquidity risk, and market disruption risk, while the Islamic Range Forward encounters credit risk, market risk, and option risk. In conclusion, this study provides a deep understanding of the differences between Islamic structured products at Maybank Islamic Berhad and RHB Islamic Bank Berhad, impacting investment strategies and capital protection for Islamic investors in Malaysia.</p> Ahmad Azam Sulaiman @ Mohamad Siti Syazwani Sallehuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 95 116 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.6 Holistic Scientific Thinking: A New Path to Contemporary Islamic Studies <p>In the study of contemporary Islam, a holistic scientific thinking approach offers a new perspective that seeks to integrate a variety of disciplines and dimensions of life. This approach focuses not only on separate scientific aspects, but also on the interrelationship between the spiritual, social, political, and economic dimensions of Islam. By combining scientific methods with Islamic values and ethics, holistic scientific thinking becomes relevant to understanding global challenges such as social change, environmental crises, and modern economic dynamics. This research explores the potential of holistic thinking as a new path in a more inclusive and sustainable study of Islam. This approach offers an alternative to the dualistic paradigm that often separates science and religion, thus enabling a renewed understanding of Islam in the context of the modern world.</p> Rinda Fauzian Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 117 128 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.7 Hubungan Pemakanan Sunnah Dengan Pembinaan Karektor Usahawan Berintegriti <p>This article discusses the relationship between Sunnah nutrition and the development of the character of entrepreneurs with integrity in Islamic entrepreneurship. Integrity, which encompasses honesty, trustworthiness, and transparency, is crucial in business. Sunnah nutrition, being balanced and healthy, plays a key role in shaping the character of entrepreneurs with integrity. It not only benefits physical and mental health but also fosters self-discipline in making ethical decisions. Proper dietary practices enhance energy, focus, and emotional well-being, while also teaching etiquette such as avoiding wastefulness and maintaining good relationships, which are essential in building entrepreneurs with integrity. This study employs content analysis methodology to assess the relationship between Sunnah nutrition and the development of the character of entrepreneurs with integrity. Through this approach, the article analyzes the Qur’anic texts, Hadiths, and previous studies related to Sunnah nutrition and integrity in entrepreneurship. The analysis results indicate that Sunnah nutrition not only benefits health but also forms the character of ethical, disciplined, and integral entrepreneurs, in alignment with the values embedded in Islamic teachings. In conclusion, Sunnah nutrition plays an important role in the formation of an entrepreneur's character with integrity, enabling them to fulfill their obligations and business affairs more effectively.</p> Nik Mohd Zaim Ab Rahim Monika @ Munirah Abd Razzak Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 129 152 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.8 Amalan Murah Rezeki yang Tular di Internet: Analisis Kredibiliti Sumber dan Status Hukum <p>Nowadays, internet is considered one of the important mediums for delivering and spreading information. The platform for delivering information through internet is seen as more effective and comprehensive compared to others, as it can be said that almost every member of society now owns a smartphone and has access to all the information within it. In the context of religion, internet platforms are also seen as a primary medium for delivering and disseminating information to the public. However, some of the information spread through this medium is seen as lacking clear religious backing. One of the practices detected spreading through this platform without clear religious support is the practice of attracting prosperity. In this regard, this study will examine the credibility of the sources and the legal (<em>hukm</em>) status of some practices related to seeking sustenance that have spread on the Internet. This study is entirely qualitative and involves data collection through a literature review. The data found will be analyzed using document analysis methods. The findings of the study show that at least four legitimate practices for attracting prosperity exist, namely seeking forgiveness (<em>istighfar</em>) and repentance (<em>taubah</em>), maintaining family ties (<em>silaturahim</em>), piety towards Allah (<em>taqwa</em>), and increasing prayers. Meanwhile, there are five practices for attracting prosperity that have spread on the Internet. After conducting the analysis, it was found that none of these five practices are based on authentic and authoritative sources. Therefore, these practices cannot be indiscriminately associated with any religious source. However, these practices can still be generally practiced, without associating them with any specific methods or benefits, as most of them involve reciting Quranic verses and prayers (<em>du’a</em>), both of which are indeed encouraged in Islam.</p> Mohd Aizul Yaakob Ahmad Ismail Mohammad Roshimi Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 153 172 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.9 التوجه النسوي لحركة العصر الجديد - آساليبه وسبل مواجهته: دراسة تحليلية <p>Preserving the role of women in society and empowering them with the status granted by Islamic teachings serve as a cornerstone for the sound development of the nation and safeguarding the fabric of the Muslim community. The significant cultural openness and the influx of globalization have facilitated the spread of feminist ideologies, particularly those of the New Age Feminist Movement, into Islamic societies. Given the apparent threat these ideologies pose to religious beliefs, it becomes imperative for specialists to confront and address this challenge. This research underscores the importance of identifying the essence of the New Age Feminist Movement, the mechanisms behind its dissemination, and the strategies to counter it. To achieve these objectives, the study adopts a critical analytical methodology and a survey approach, including a field study conducted among female students at Hassan II University in Morocco. The research presents a detailed examination of the nature of feminist ideologies, their origins, historical development, and the effects of feminist theories. It also explores their key objectives, distinguishing features, and fundamental pillars. Additionally, the study provides applied examples of how New Age Feminist ideologies propagate their ideas and pursue their goals. To complement the theoretical discussion, a field study was conducted to investigate the manifestations and reasons behind women abandoning Islam and turning to paganism. The findings reveal several key factors, including the pursuit of desires and whims, ignorance of and detachment from religion, uncritical adoption of Western paradigms without exploring sound Islamic principles, social and intellectual stagnation in contemporary Muslim societies, superficial religiosity, lack of firm religious foundations instilled by parents, and social upbringing. The study concludes with several recommendations, the most prominent being the urgent need to counter the influence of feminist ideologies, which dilute and distort authentic Islamic principles. This can be achieved by leveraging various educational and awareness tools, such as formal schooling, academic curricula, and media outlets, to confront these invasive ideas and protect the integrity of Islamic societies. </p> Khaoula Saeed Al Arabi Hamid Allah Ali Ali Gobaili Saged Azmil Zainal Abidin Mohammad Abdelhamid Salem Qatawneh Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 2 173 196 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.10 Thoughts on Nationalism Among Leaders of the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) From 1951 to 2013: An Analysis Within PAS Framework <p>This study comprehensively examines the ideological perspectives on nationalism among the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) leaders from 1951 to 2013. The research addresses the divergence of views on nationalism within PAS, focusing on tops prominent leaders, and evaluates how these differences have shaped the party's direction. It explores the factors contributing to these ideological disparities and their implications for PAS's political future trajectory. Employing a single-method qualitative approach, this study utilizes library research, documentation analysis, and historical contextualization as its primary techniques. The PAS Presidential Speech Policy delivered at the Annual Muktamar is the primary source, complemented by secondary documents. The findings reveal significant ideological divisions within PAS regarding nationalism. While some leaders categorically reject nationalism as incompatible with Islamic principles, others conditionally accept it within an Islamic framework. These differing stances have influenced PAS leadership's ability to unify its members under a cohesive nationalistic ideology aligned with Islam. This study underscores how these ideological tensions have shaped PAS's policies and strategies. It offers insights into the party's evolving role in Malaysian politics and its broader implications for Islamic political movements.</p> Nor Azizuddin Abdul Manan Muhammad Ainuddin Iskandar Lee Abdullah Mohd Dino Khairri Sharifuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 11 2 197 214 10.22452/ris.vol11no2.11