Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization <p>Journal al-Muqaddimah is an academic journal published by the Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya. The Journal aims is to publish the results of studies at undergraduate and PhD levels to share the latest knowledge and information in various fields of scholarship related to Islamic Civilization.</p> Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur en-US Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2289-3954 <p>By submitting manuscripts to the Al-Muqaddimah, authors agree to transfer copyright to the journal. However, authors may republish their work or grant others permission to republish it; in which case it should be accompanied by a proper acknowledgment that the work was originally published in the Al-Muqaddimah. The journal adopt <a href="">CC-BY-NC-SA</a> licence which authors may also share and distribute their article anywhere of <em>non-commercial</em> website, social media and repositories immediately on publication. </p> <p>Authors may also reuse the Abstract and Citation information (e.g. Title, Author name, Publication dates) of their article anywhere at any time including social media such as Facebook, blogs and X (Twitter), providing that where possible a link is included back to the article on the journal site.</p> Serangan Arab Saudi Ke Atas Houthi (2011-2015): Kesannya ke atas Yaman <p><em>Saudi Arabia's attack in 2015 is the biggest threat to the stability of Yemen. The Saudi attacks were launched relentlessly, especially on the Houthi group, which was considered to be militants following the rise of the group involved, which led to the coup of the Yemeni government during Uprising 2011. Many regions under the influence of the Houthis were attacked and even all forms of assets belonging to the Houthi army were also destroyed. But despite the attack, millions of Yemenis became victims. Thus, this study aims to analyze the impact on Yemen by using a thematic analysis method through research on three main scopes collectively; first, from a political point of view, second from a social point of view and third from an economic point of view. The results of the study found that the effects of the conflict led to political instability, recession and social backwardness.</em></p> Muhammad Khairul Iman Hussin Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 1 14 التسويق الإسلامي منهج أخلاق متكامل <p><em>The research deals with marketing from an integrated Islamic perspective, aiming to clarify the foundations, limitations and principles of marketing in Islam. Specifically, it focuses on consumer protection in the light of the unethical marketing practices prevalent in today’s market. The problem of the research addresses the unethical activities that are commonplace in the field of business and marketing. A qualitative research methodology was employed using descriptive narrative. The results show how the principles and ethics of an integrated Islamic approach to marketing help to mold human beings on sound foundations, guiding them to be upright and ethical in their dealings and their marketing. Consequently, sellers and consumers experience fairness and honesty, thereby creating a society based on brotherhood, faith and trust.</em></p> Moneer Hosen Alzalook Asmuliadi Lubis Fadillah Mansor Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 11 2 15 25 أثر استخدام التعلم الإلكتروني في مادة التربية الإسلامية على دافعية الطلبة دراسة من وجهة نظر المعلمين بأبو ظبي- الإمارات العربية المتحدة. <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 15.0pt 0in 15.0pt 0in;"><em>This research primarily aims to investigate the impact of utilizing e-learning in Islamic Education on students' motivation and academic competence from the perspective of teachers in Abu Dhabi، United Arab Emirates. This main objective is further explored through three sub-questions، seeking to reveal the influence of e-learning on students' motivation and academic competence in learning Islamic Education. To achieve the research objectives، the study focused on the population of Islamic Education teachers in private schools in Abu Dhabi، amounting to 438 teachers in 198 schools. A random sample of 200 teachers was selected for the research. The research employed a suitable descriptive survey methodology given the nature of the study. Research tools included the development of a questionnaire to collect data، along with assessing its psychometric properties. After collecting and statistically analysing the research data، the results indicated a significant impact of e-learning on students' motivation and academic competence in Islamic Education. Based on the research findings, the study recommends several key actions. These include the necessity of integrating e-learning in the teaching of Islamic Education، as well as providing training for teachers and students on the skills required for effective utilization of e-learning methods and strategies.</em></p> Alaa Alsafadi Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 26 34 أثر الامتثال على الحوكمة الشرعية في المصارف الإسلامية <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The research aimed to identify the Effect of compliance on Sharia governance in Islamic banks in Libya and Jordanian. To the objectives of the research, the research model was built on previous studies. And the study population may consist of employees of Islamic banks in Libya, and through the quantitative approach chosen by the researcher,204 respondents' samples were collected. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting primary data. The results showed that compliance affect Sharia governance. The research presented some recommendations, the most important of which are: the banks should have standards of Sharia governance, attention to compliance, and the development of an effective management system for compliance.</em></p> Nagi Hamd Asmuliadi Lubis Mohd Abd Wahab Fatoni Mohd Balwi Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 35 62 غرس القيم الأخلاقية المتعلقة بادآب التعامل عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في نفوس الأجيال الشابة وسلوكياتهم <p><em>As social media becomes increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, it is important to ensure that young people are equipped with the necessary ethical values to navigate these virtual spaces. This is especially true given the many potential pitfalls and negative impacts that can arise from the use of social media, such as cyberbullying, online harassment, and the spread of misinformation. Teaching children or young people the values and methods to deal correctly with social media interactions became of a great important for their wellbeing and achieving well in their lives. This may help them to avoid the negative impacts of such interactions on their minds, emotions, and behaviours in daily life. There are many values to be taught in this regard and this paper is a try to investigate in this matter to recognize and crystalize these values and the ways to inculcate them in the selves of young generations.</em></p> Raqiya Abdallah Nasser Alharasi Sayyid Buhar Musal Kassim Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 63 83 تأثير الذكاء العاطفي في الأداء الأكاديمي لدى الطلاب الدوليين.. جامعة السلطان الشريف علي الإسلامية <p><em>Due to the importance of emotional intelligence and its connection to many areas of life, experts have made it a subject of study and interest. Emotional intelligence is the motivation to feel, think, learn, solve problems, make decisions, and control and manage emotions. Based on that, the researchers in this study are trying to find out if there is an effect of intelligence. Emotional impact on academic performance among international students, taking Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University in Brunei as a model. The research relied on the descriptive analytical method. The research showed several results, the most important of which are: that international students at Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University have a high level of emotional intelligence. The results also showed that emotional intelligence has a strong and positive fundamental impact on the academic performance of international students.</em></p> Nahil Abuhalib Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 84 103 Masalah Keasingan dalam Masyarakat: Suatu Reviu Integratif dalam Dimensi Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, Pendidikan, Psikologi dan Spiritualiti <p><em>The issue of alienation is a societal phenomenon that results in human life drifting away from the natural disposition set by Allah. Through an integrative review, this paper aims to unearth, filter, analyze, and refine several principles of the issue of alienation operating within the dimensions of politics, economics, social structures, education, psychology, and the spirituality of society in theory, particularly within the contextual framework experienced by the Malay community in Singapore from 1965 to the late 1990s. Understanding the issue of alienation is the initial step toward addressing it by reinstating Allah's natural disposition into the fabric of society's life.</em></p> Isa Kamari Faisal @ Ahmad Faisal Abdul Hamid Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 104 137