Information needs of a vulnerable community: The case of visually impaired first-time mothers in Malaysia

Main Article Content

Siti Nurul
Kiran Kaur


Interest in exploring women’s new experiences as they step into motherhood and their information
behaviour has increased over the last decade. However, little attention has been given to vulnerable
first-time mothers, specifically those with visual impairment. This study aims to provide an insight
into the information needs of first-time mothers with visual impairments as they embrace
motherhood. A case study design was employed to capture the information experiences of first-time
mothers with visual impairment during their first year of motherhood. Three data collection
techniques were employed, namely interviews, observations and audio diary, that provided rich and
deep insights into the experiences of these mothers. The codes-to-theory model for qualitative
inquiry resulted in identifying five main facets of information needs, namely baby care, mother care,
family welfare, daily living and disability rights. Wilson’s model of information behavior is used to
provide an understanding of how these mothers’ personal factors, role demands and environmental
context shape their information needs as they take on the role as mothers. The findings raise
implications for strategies to facilitate this vulnerable community’s information provisions,
specifically in the context of visually impaired mothers.


Article Details

How to Cite
Siti Nurul Maryam, & Kaur, K. (2024). Information needs of a vulnerable community: The case of visually impaired first-time mothers in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 29(1), 1–28.
Author Biography

Siti Nurul, Universiti Malaya

Lecturer, School of Information Science, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Selangor, MALAYSIA


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